Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

New Lodgers

Back in Surrey to find the grass grown by 9inches, all the borders in flower, the pots in the greenhouse crying to be planted out and some ten thousand or so, I hope, new lodgers!

Bees are clever creatures but, when I moved into this house from one not more than 400 yards away as the crow flies, the bees couldn't come with me. For a strange trick of nature, bees have to be moved foot by foot or more than a mile, otherwise they get lost. My hives were moved down to Jim's new house in Sussex but we put an empty hive in the garden hoping to catch a swarm. Last year, sod's law, nobody called to report any and although the hive was baited with hormone, it failed to attract more than a few robbers. My neighbour saw a major swarm tunnelling in on Friday and I recognise, by the size, and colour, that they are most likely to come from the hives that are kept up in Albury Park.

This evening when it cooler and the wind has died down I'll suit up an have a look to see if they've started to make new comb. They are very docile and I'm able to get right up to the entrance without angering them but opening the lid without a veil when it's hot and windy isn't a good idea. I can, for now, only pray that the queen is inside!

If you take a look in large you will see that these two are grooming one another with their long tounges.

Oh I am a happy woman!!

Update... The colony is very small! I was hoping to see the hive full. I'll have to feed them well and hope to find another swarm to add and increase their numbers.

Not quite as happy as I was... but smiling

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