Mothering Sunday

I had already requested that I make no decisions today. It started with bacon rolls and coffee in bed with a deluge of cards and gifts.

Then chaos kicked in as all 5 donned their uniforms for Scout Church Parade. Sadly Bella and Ally both showered and used up all the hot water so I had to stay in bed and phone my Mum instead of badge parading.

MrRoly cooked a splendid Sunday lunch (roast lamb - my favourite) and I started on the onerus task of trying to back up the best part of 5 years worth of blips.

The rumour mill is in overdrive and while I really hope Blip isn't about to go 'poof', I have already watched the demise of one forum I was a member of so know it can and does happen.

2 years left to backup and I've stopped to eat fondant chocolate pudding, drink wine and start watching Poldark.

Happy Mothering Sunday Blippers :-)

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