Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Soul Soothing!

Being by the sea and being on Dash really is like a form of therapy!

I have been reading with intrigue the rumours, the messages, the reports and what not regarding the future of blip. I will be very sad to see this wonderful community become a thing of the past. I started taking photos in 2011 and have since uploaded 1,391 entries. So much has changed in my life since I started my journal and Blip has been there throughout it all, with regular commenters providing love, support, advice and humour. 
I don't know what is to come of Blip, but it has changed the way I look at the world. It has, I like to think, improved my photography skills and altered the way I see things as I search for a blip. 
I will be staying with Blip for as long as I possibly can, but if it should vanish...I'll be over at Project 365.

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