Planko's Pics

By planko


I do hope the rumours of Blip going into liquidation are only rumours. Most of all i hope Joe, G and all the other folks involved behind the scenes are ok.

Something like this puts an immense amount of pressure and stress on the people involved. It's never an easy and pleasant thing to go through and in my experience first and foremost thing on peoples mind is always securing their self & families future first, company second.  

Unlike others who are jumping before the ship sinks, i'm going to show my support and stick around and keep posting (infrequently as i currently do) for as long as I'm able, and give the folks at blipcentral (or otherwise) time to go through whatever they need to and then respond to the community on next steps. 

If Blip does go belly up, i'll need to get my arse in gear and knock up somewhere else for me to post my infrequent dribbles and photos.


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