skye line

By cameraskye


Blue, but in a good way! Blue sea, Blue Sky and Bluebells!

Another roasting hot day in Skye (30 degrees C according to one of my neighbours). It has really been too hot to do much. Went for a walk part way round the loop road, trying to keep as much as possible to the shade (not easy!). Even the poor sheep are struggling with the heat, saw a ewe and lamb tucked in against a bank of ground trying to keep in the shade, bet the sheep wishes her owner would hurry up and shear her!

I was aiming for one of the fields near the shore where I had spotted loads of Bluebells. When I got there I realised I had a great view of the sea as well.

Am really not looking forward to cooking dinner tonight in this heat, maybe I should have gone for a salad rather than a full roast dinner!

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