Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


I've been neglecting my One Tree during the winter months and as you can see spring foliage seems a way off yet.

The bright comb of the Red Grouse is looking trim for the breeding season; this is one of pair. The grouse have been more evident on our moor over the past couple of years, seemingly an extension of territory from the adjacent Bingley and Hawksworth moors. At least they won't be shot at on our moor, although it must be challenging to breed given the high concentration of dog walkers, many of whom  ignore the legal direction to keep their animals under close control during the bird breeding months.

Also about on the moor today: Kestrel, Lapwing, Curlew, Skylark, Oystercatcher, Red Kite, Greylag, Grey Heron. And a dead rat.

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