
By SeaGypsy49

Old Mans Beard flowers.

Flowers of the pest known as "Old Mans Beard" - one of the clematis family of plants.
I suppose you could say we had a bit of an adventure with the dogs last night. PJ took them down the drive after dark, and left them outside while he came inside to get their food before putting them into their kennels. When he went back out they had gone....... he could hear them barking a distance away. It was their BIG dog bark - WOOF, WOOF, instead of yelping when they have a possum. There have been both pigs and deer around lately, so it was either of these.
Two & half hours later PJ found them way up the hill. Luckily had phone coverage and saw able to let me know when he finally found them. But he was lost on the way down in the pitch dark, and he said he was just hoping that the battery didn't go flat in the torch. Finally, he found a neighbours water pipe in the creek and followed that down. Phew! a relief that he found the little brats, and that he got back home safely.
Today, I got stung by a Bumble Bee - not nice. I had put my hand in the container that the clothes pegs are stored in, and also grabbed the bee.

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