
By Legacy


I went to a 25th anniversary party for my co-worker Marsha and her husband Les today.  Their three daughters arranged it and managed to surprise them both, no easy feat because nothing, and I mean nothing,, gets past Marsha.  It was just about the sweetest event I've ever been to.  Just the fact that the girls managed to unearth all the wedding memorabilia from somewhere deep down in their basement and organize a lovely buffet, all without either parent getting a whiff of it all, was worthy of high praise. The eldest daughter, Erica, gave an eloquent and tear-inducing tribute to her parents on behalf of her sisters and her family which only reaffirmed what we, her friends, already knew -- that they are a happy and loving family that sets an amazing example for everyone.  Congratulations Marsha and Les -- here's to 25 more! 

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