Move over Bridget........

By SuzStuff

?Let?s go for a walk? he said? with the tide on the way out we walked along Bembridge seafront. Passed a cute little café in amongst some beach huts (closest ice cream store....make a note) ...sadly note the word 'passed', when Mr F is on a walk, you are waiting for the sounds of 'I don't know but I've been told' to be bellowed out! ;o) A bit further down the beach it was getting a little muddy - I looked longingly back to the ice cream shack - but no, after consulting google maps - there's apparently a path to the next beach. After almost losing my shoe in the mud, we had to scramble up on the mud slide to get back on the path.......which about 10 mins after was completely blocked by another mud slide. 'Don't worry, we can climb up here and rejoin the coastal path' (damn google maps) so now we are scaling the cliffs.....well we were, until my panic attack and inability to breathe without sounding like a 60 a day smoker (middle arrow on photo). After a few words of 'support' we were on our way .....only to find that the mud slide blocking the beach path had originally been the coastal path. Undeterred we found another 'path'/mudbath and then at the end there was a sign post blocking our exit..............nuff said!

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