An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

St. Paddy's Day in Fort Worth

A busy day for Buddy and I.

We got up late for us.  Almost 8 a.m.!!!!!  We went for a walk and ended up at Stir Crazy.  That was Beemer and my favorite place to share breakfast on Saturday.  Buddy didn't seem to mind that I had brought a love there before.  We ate quiche and vegan sausage.  Met Mel and Michael there.  They were eating pie on pi day.  Buddy thinks math is boring so didn't join in the conversation.

Then I went to the Fairmount Community Garden to participate in their workday.  Met some nice young folks.  Planted garlic, potatoes, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes and peppers.

This is America so we can have St. Paddy's Day any day we choose.  If we could get a day off work, we would make it on Monday or Friday, but since we can't, we have it on Saturday.  A friend of mine is playing the drums in a bagpipe and drum corps that showed up at the T&P Tavern.  Buddy loved the bagpipes so much he decided to join in and sing along.  Couldn't tell if he really knew the words or was adlibbing. 

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