Definitely Visible

By allieballie

A Grand Day Out

Attending a conference at Strathclyde University today. Parked the car at Lenzie station and took the train in from there. On my way to the venue, I passed a great piece of urban art by Rogue One - "Hip Hop Puppets" - which took up the entire side of a building at the John Street/George Street junction. I thought my photo of it would be the blip for the day but then I got to the Graham Hills building and saw this - also by Rogue One (and a couple of others I believe). It somehow seemed more appropriate to put this one on as this was the building where the conference was being held and we were in a lecture theatre for part of today's programme. I love all this urban art in Glasgow. It's fabulous to walk around and suddenly come across something wonderful - whether it be a massive mural or a smaller quirky piece.

Sometimes it can cause resentment to attend a conference on a Saturday and not get a day off work for your jolly, however today's one didn't feel like a chore at all. A thought provoking keynote speaker and a couple of great workshops. Lots of ideas to think about and lots of issues to reflect upon. And looking back over my notes I can see a line I like from a Professor at the University of Glasgow's School of Education: "Learning is messy". I am going to (mis)use that line in a different context whenever any wisecracks or digs are made about my desk at work. It will go into my mental database along with Einstein's "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind of what then is an empty desk a sign?" and my adaptation of "Only dull women have immaculate homes" - "Only dull teachers have immaculate desks". Anyway, it was a good conference and I'm really glad I attended.

And there were freebie pen drives and torches from the Red Cross stall.

And the lunch buffet (always important when at a conference or course!) was absolutely wonderful! Probably the most outstanding I've had at a conference ever.

And best of all, by some miracle my sciatica didn't play up even once - I could even sit down for the long stretches of time required without any twinges or pain. So much for carting the lumbar support about in my rucksack! What a delight not to be sore though - it made me so happy!

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