Bolt From The Blue

Bit of a shocker!!
Arrived at work at 0600 today to find that Western Greyhound had ceased trading.

As a consequence the entire workforce of 200 have been made redundant, additionally the company has chosen not to pay us, neither the money we were due today nor what we are owed.
The company's troubles under its previous owner Mark Howarth, ( a more deceitful, dishonest and unscrupulous man I've yet to meet), are well documented.

But under the new owners WG seemed to have turned the corner however news that the company was "under stop" from all its suppliers, there was next to no fuel for the buses, that a bus had been impounded by the recovery company and that VOSA had issued prohibition notices to some of the vehicles began to give cause for concern.

The current owners had met with the RMT rep yesterday afternoon and assured him that "all was good", finance was in place, new routes and ticket strategy on the way, it's plain now that they deliberately misled not only the RMT rep but the workforce. They have a history of buying ailing bus companies and within three months selling off the good equipment and then on a Friday of "Ceasing To Trade", closing the gates and locking out the workforce, witness the 'security' brought in from outside the county.
So for the second time in twenty-two months I've been made redundant.

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