Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


This is all I’ve been fit for today. Sitting/lying, drinking tea and reading my book.  I am so exhausted after yesterday’s adventure. Ridiculous that I can’t go a day and be ok the next.

I got a text from Steven asking if I wanted to go to soft play with them all. The thought of the busyness and the noise there would be, I declined. I felt guilty saying no to seeing Lewis but I just couldn’t do it. Thankfully he doesn't understand anything at this age.  I’ll see him tomorrow anyway.

After several hours of lying on the sofa I got dressed and headed out. I wanted to buy Lewis a toy phone after seeing him so attached to ours on Thursday. One good thing about going back to work I will have money again and I can spend some of it on Lewis. I then stopped at Starbucks for a bit.

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