
Another beautiful day and I went for a walk with David up the Fairy Glen. He needed to collect some items and take some photos for his College work.
The snowdrops were still out and the winter aconites have started to flower. There were plenty of others about enjoying the sunshine so we did nt see many birds. It was quite dry under foot and the water was fast flowing. The pond was so still with amazing reflections, it actually made your eyes go funny trying to work it all out !
We went as far as the first waterfall. A family were sitting on the rocks enjoying a picnic :)
Back home and out in the garden, clearing weeds that had started to grow. So much is starting to show  signs of life. The pied wagtails have also returned to the field, walking carefully between the hooves of the horses.
The owls woke us up this morning and I saw sheep in at the top of the field so we may be woken up again in the morning.

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