Carlton Boyce

By MotoringJourno

The society in which we live...

Watched Tom, our younger boy, playing football today. Thinking about today's blip, I thought one of Beth might work well. So I snapped a couple and then gave up, not, I hasten to add, because she wasn't looking utterly gorgeous, but because the light was so flat and dull that it just wasn't going to be a blip-worthy shot.

So I deleted them.

A few minutes later, an angry skinhead in his mid-thirties came up and asked me if I'd been taking pictures of the boys playing football. I explained that I hadn't, only of my wife. He demanded to see the photographs and when I refused became even more hostile and aggressive. Not once did he explain who he was or what his concerns were.

It turned out he is the manager of the opposing team and has made a complaint to the local football association. Hearing this, I had no problem with showing the camera roll to our team's manager, of course. But isn't it sad that the level of paranoia today is such that a parent can't take a photo of their son playing football without being questioned like this? 

So today's blip is a screenshot of the deleted images on my iPhone. It has no artistic merit whatsoever, unless you consider it a sad illustration of the paranoia that exists around safeguarding children today...  

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