Is this Goodbye?

I dont want to come across as a scare monger, but I am worried that Blip is going to vanish into thin air at any time. 

I joined Blip in November 2012. I have Blipped every single day. I have loved it and met some incredible people here. It really is, or was, quite a unique community of individuals who ALL had something in common. They enjoyed taking pictures.  I cannot imagine life without a camera.

I tried hard to embrace the takeover and new layout. I tried to ignore all the negative comments about it. I just carried on enjoying what I was doing. But recently, I have not been able to ignore the comments I have read here and on Facebook, that something has gone wrong. Quite drastically wrong. Joe Tree (the founder of blip) has stopped blipping. Blip Central has stopped blipping. There is no Photo of the week, there are no updates on Facebook and Twitter. The phones are dead and the emails are not being answered. There could well be a very simple why arnt they telling us.

Luckily I followed my gut instinct and bought my Blip Book for 2013 before they closed Blip down for the take over so I do at least have that year saved. But I shall start to download all my text from 2014 to date into a hand made photo book using either or Snapfish as they are the 2 I use alot and often get special offers so the books will only come to about £35 compared to the £100 odd that Blip charged. I wont be able to get a photo on each page though as they only go up to a total of 150 double sided pages but I can juggle them about a bit and have maybe 3 on a page then use one a page for my favourites.

I'm just telling you all this so you fello blippers can think about doing the same - just incase! I would be devastated if I lost all my text. It would be like someone throwing my diary into the fire. 

So we warned Blippers.  Start your back ups. If nothing happens then its only your time that is wasted. I know time is precious to alot of us, but so are my journals. 

And please spread the word. Im happy for you to link to my page to save you writing it all out again.

So here I am, Happy HeartFreek, and as my T shirt says, 'Im happy to be here' and will stay as long as Blip does, but I am also preparing myself for Goodbye. And a very sad goodbye it would be.

I can be found on Facebook  as Tamzin Wares but I don't do much on there and I shall add my email to my profile page.

Good Luck to you all and to all a possible Goodnight.


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