It's a small world

Look who I met this afternoon……………………Archie and his very lovely owners. 

We were en-route to see Ann’s friend Susi, who shares a birthday with Ann but she’s a year older??!!  It is Ann’s birthday tomorrow so she was off for a pre-birthday celebration.  Ann & Susi had a lovely evening eating & drinking and I spent the whole time giving Tabitha, the cat, the evils.  But that’s a whole other story.

Anyway we met Archie & his owners on ‘Bruntsfield Links’ and it was a bit dull & deary so they suggested going to 'Montpeliers' so that the humans could drink coffee.  Not quite sure how ‘coffee’ turned into a ‘large glass of wine’????  But ho hum – it would have been rude not too?!

Archie is the cutest little dog ever.  He has the most amazing floppy ears and was really well behaved for such a youngster.  I had to ‘snap’ at him a couple of times just so that he knew that I was 'top dog'.  But we both thought he was absolutely gorgeous.

And do you know what?  …………………..It turns out that Ann taught for 10 years in the same school that Archie’s owners did. (Though they taught there after Ann had left).  There’s more an a hundred primary schools in Edinburgh so just how much of a coincidence is that???  So our owners knew quite a few people in common.  And it was reassuring to know that if Archie’s owners had turned out to be mad axe murderers who were going to kill us on our blipmeet that quite a few people would know who they were.  Lol.  Edinburgh is a very small city??!!

It was lovely to meet you Archie (and your owners are fabulous too).  Will definitely be in touch the next time we’re in Edinburgh. xxx

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