Day 783 - Finished!

Continuing the saga of the deleted files, I went away early to South Lanarkshire to take the photographs again...  I only had to take 5 sets so I was back home by 11.30 and I have spent the rest pf the day at my desk determined to get it finished so I don't have to work all weekend!!!

As I said yesterday, because it was still fresh in my mind, I was able to do it much quicker - when you set it up for the first time there is a bit of trial and error when stitching the photos together in a way that will match up with the wireframe of the hills, etc.  Then I had to write a report.

Not long finished and I am all stiff form sitting in my desk chair all day!!!  But it's now done and I have finished my last day at work!  Yippee!!!

I also called the hospital to change my knee opp appointment and I got the most horrible woman ever!!!  It's all about targets.  Because I want to delay the opp for a few weeks while I settle into my new job, I was "breaching" something or other and when I asked her to explain she just repeated herself and was so snippy with me.  I wasn't in the mood for a snippy woman given the events of the last few days so I raised my voice slightly and was very direct with her - her attitude soon changed!!!

GRRRRRRRRRRR!!  And... Relax!

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