
By tpd

do it for the kids

Comic Relief. Impressive in its longevity. Raised more than £700M since it started. The first and only outing for a band of teenage ne'er do wells called the Big Hairy Feet in 1989. It's a draining watch though; there's only so many times you can watch children dying of malaria, ebola, raking through rubbish on a huge rubbish dump or being trafficked. Give something if you can. 

+1/3 watched a bit Comic Relief with me this evening; it's obviously good for children to be exposed to life beyond the comfortable life we have but he was obviously upset. Wee lamb.

+2/3 and +3/3 this morning.

In other news: no word from blipcentral; it might be time to get a script running to harvest my entries while they still exist...

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