
Last night was so grim I'm not going to dwell in it. Suffice today the teething monster us squatting in the house and whatever we throw at him, he just throws it gave, literally, in our faces, literally!,,,

Luckily I managed to coax, threaten both of them back to sleep from 6-8am, I would have stayed in bed longer but didn't really want the cleaner coming round and us not being dressed etc.

Ended up having to wake up womsie to head out as we were on the way. He cried for ages in the pushchair, the sevond I took the raincover up, the stopped!

Went to church this afternoon for the Mothering Sunday service, both children were absolutely brilliant sitting through the whole thing, so impressed. Had several texts from people at school saying it. (Cheesey grin from mummy)

Got to about 5pm and not one single picture. Fell in love with this one.

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