Silver Screen

We went into Stratford just before lunch and had a coffee at Nero.  Then it was off to the Picture House to see the matinee performance of Still Alice.

Tuesday and Friday afternoons are Silver Screen, cheap seats for the oldies with complimentary tea or coffee, though we prefer Nero.  Given the subject matter I would have expected more people to be there, though maybe they forgot, *bad-taste joke*.

I was not sure I was going to like the film having been slated by some of the critics as too ‘Hollywood’ and sanitised, but I felt it was surprisingly good, though I nearly nodded off towards the end.  The film, although about a woman with early-onset Alzheimer’s, brought back all the memories of my mother, who at the age of eighty wrote her autobiography but within five years her memory, especially short term, was completely shot.  She died of the disease at 91.

My heart also goes out to the family of Terry Pratchett having to watch him decline from a wonderful author to his premature death yesterday.

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