Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Homage to Discworld...

I'm not a fan of fantasy novels but I have a lot of respect for Terry Pratchett with being so open about his Alzheimer's and raising awareness of this dreadful disease.  So when I saw what the real world looked like through my fisheye lens I thought that the world mirroring the circular disc giving distance and direction to all sorts of places both in Guernsey and on the other side of the world would be a fitting tribute. RIP Terry Pratchett.

Its been raining on and off all day so I've got a lot of sitting at the computer work done that has been festering for a while. I've not been out much; just a couple of quick trips into town so my Fitbit has had to be ignored so far and unless the weather perks up pretty quickly there won't be any more walking.

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