Great garden makeover Day 4. Retaining wall

A panorama shot on the iPhone was the only way I could show the full extent of the second main element of the makeover. The wall replaces loads of large limestone stones that were arranged higgledy piggledy along the edge of the path. While this gave a rustic, rockery style appearance to the edge of the bed it also let soil through onto the path and weeds, not flowers, grew easily through the gaps.

I don't think we're going to get rid of the rocks though. Susan has plans for a garden pond in this area and is thinking that the rocks could be used around the pond with alpine and other rock loving plants growing in the crevices. That's stage two of the great garden makeover.

While the builders were hard at it again, in another day of favourable weather, I was refereeing at a schools under 13, 7 aside rugby tournament. First blast on the whistle since October last year. I completed 7 games without physical mishap (to me), which was a great relief. With each game was 5 minutes each way it was fast and furious. Refs did 2 or 3 games consecutively than a break of anything up to an hour which made starting again quite a challenge for us of the older pursuasion.

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