Rain on My Parade
I had a very difficult day today as The Boss was official chauffeur for The Bossess who was here, there and in between time on the phone a lot so I got my outing early so he had the day free…so to bark.
I feel I should be insulted somehow but it would be against my better (and often hidden) nature so I went with the flo and mostly stayed home making sure to stay out of the way while the Boss was bending The Bossess leg. This is apparently different from pulling her leg altho the actual thing looks a bit the same. Apparently AGAIN pulling her leg doesn’t hurt as much but is likely to get his ears clipped. He had practically no hair on his ears so this seems a waste of time to me.
Hey, The Bossess has also been seen a couple of times today…crutchless... I have been forbidden to discuss this for some reason.
It has been a complicated and difficult day…AND it rained as well.
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