White tree under The Heavens

A busy day with some good moments.  Philip B. came round to the house so we could finalise the running order of the Film Festival event we are hosting next Wednesday.  We managed to have tea and hot cross buns while we worked, as well as watching birds feeding just outside the door only about six feet away.

We walked to the pub where the event will happen, and on my return, I looked across the valley in the fast fading light under the cloudy sky and saw the white blossomed tree in full bloom.  It is the first 'big' indication of spring's arrival and the warming of the land, and it always gives me a lift.  I think the tree grew from seeds brought by the badgers, who have a sett in the soft soils underneath where the hedge runs.  You can see the  rough scrub on this side of the tree in the hedge where the badgers dug holes to allow them entry into the ground.  I wonder whether the badgers who visit our garden at night come from that sett.

I took my tripod to the end of the garden, as the light was so poor, and used the long zoom to test its credentials in these conditions.  I love the lines of the hedges, the trees, and the various pastures around the incised valleys formed by the two streams running down toward Bowbridge.  The Heavens is an area of the land directly above the woodlands seen in the distance, where the hillside drops off the high and flat land formerly belonging to Nether Lypiatt manor.  

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