SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip

Cob Cottage

I wish I could upload the video I took and the pictures of inside the cottage.

It's a fantastic story that is with this cottage. It is built with natural materials and looked after purely by 2 locals who earn a living from it and rent it from the farm owners. They have been helped over the years by a trust which has given them the business knowledge etc to be able to run it successfully.

The bathroom allows you to shower and bath 'under the Stars' or the sun as you wish . Electricity and hot water is from solar power, or a gas boiler. Lighting if you wish can be from paraffin lamps.

It is in the middle of know where almost. Very private and a wonderful place.

R spent the morning doing a temporary fix on the Landrovers suspension while I read and then we went and had a look at some caves. In the evening we had dinner with a fire outside looking up at the stars. Magical!

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