Blue shed or house?!
What a strange-ish sort of day - both good, lucky, bizarre and sad.
The good was a good walk in Cotehele Woods with Portly Lucy ( yes not an inch off her waistline yet!) and friend. Lots of dogs out and about - old and very young, ( delightful silky soft puppy I did think of mugging the owner for,) playful and fearful, clean and stinking muddy dirty! The golden reeds were particularly gorgeous looking and I wished somehow I could have flown over the top of them, brushing my fingertips over their tops as I did so.
So next the lucky. I finally made myself go food shopping, and decided on Waitrose so I could call in the Aquarium shop and pick up my earring! I lost it somewhere there, and despite retracing my tracks in all 4 shops I had been in no luck. But next time I went in and asked if a red earring had been found the Aquarium man said "yes" - but he had no idea where the woman who found it had put it! I decided to do food shopping first as the turning out of the Garden centre is difficult with people leaving plymouth positively speeding out and into deepest, darkest Cornwall!! Who should I bump into in Waitrose? The fish woman! She gave me precise details as to where she had put it! The fish man found it! Happy madchickenwoman! Silly how finding things presumed lost forever can make one so happy!
Now for the bizarre. So on the way home I stopped to take this shed for DerelictThursday - I would pass it to and from work and my friend lived a while in the house that the muddy path leads to. Nellie of the woods lives further up but deeper in the woods - this sheds upper storey is on the road, but the ground floor below it, and my friends ex-house's roof is level to the road, with wonderful views out over and down the valley. No idea if the blue shed was a house or had another purpose. The road is wide enough only for 1 car, but there is a muddy slope opposite you can park on - making sure you go in straight or you will simply slide and then roll over in your car! Previous friend to friend who lived here once did this! In fact the friend who last lived here is the one I saw last night and can be seen here and here!We thought of what she could be called - Verruca Jo as she has had ones on her heel for years! Nothing seems to work on them! But I prefer Vegan Jo!! She was a meat eater when I met her oh so many years ago - her daughters then toddlers are now way taller than me!
But as usual I digress! So parked and got out of car and was getting camera from back seat when I saw through my back window the car I had parked behind moving towards me! I rushed back not believing the person in it was driving at me - but no person! The car stopped with a bump against mine! If i had not parked there it would have rolled down and possibly landed on the roof of their house!!So off I set to inform the owners. As I opened their porch door I noticed a cat on the right window ledge, after knocking on their door I heard rustling, and there was what I thought was a dog with his nose in a big bag of corn!! The owner opened the door and I told him what his dog was doing - he yelled and lo and behold out popped a goats head! The cutest little goat I have ever seen - even wearing a harness!!!
Finally strange again - the rain had been drizzling most of the day, and a misty mist just got deeper. Walking down the track to put the chickens to bed, all I could see was the view across to the trees and shrubs that line the field before the allotments and on the allotments. Past these all was white. It was like a Star Trek / dream scene, where the only reality is a bar or a house, step through the door outside and there is nothing but whiteness. It was very surreal and wonderful - just this flat plane and me and the chickens existing there.
Now the sad, which i found out listening to the news on the radio when home.It is of course the death of Terry Pratchett - such an imagination, and to be hit with Alzheimer's - such a remorseless condition. I saw his documentary on it, and lost my favourite aunt to it. I also taught in a school where the headteacher was married to his brother, so can't help but think of their deep personal loss too. Seemed somehow apt that I should have had that strange feeling on the allotment - like living on his flat disc world, balanced on the backs of four elephants which, in turn, stand on the back of a giant turtle, moving through space.
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