Three sheets to the wind

After ghastly traffic this morning I managed to have a lively few lessons...

Baffled one class with led, lead and lead, then taught them as many different different words for 'drunk' that I could (still managed to forget some) but succeeded in leaving the flipchart covered in inappropriate (for business English) words.

I befuddled the second class by saying that I'd 'bumped into' one student in reception. At their obvious blank looks I went on to explain that 'bumped into' was a standard turn of phrase for when you meet someone accidentally...which they thought wasn't nice either (making the direct connection between accident and something unpleasant) I do love it when English* shows its mean and sneaky side.

In other news, my most favourite author ever, Sir Terry Pratchett died today, the literary world has lost an icon.

* it's so easy, they all say.

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