Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Find the Bus!

In my quest to maintain a semblance of an exercise regime, I worked out a new walk today for Archie and I. It involved two buses, but one bus home. We must keep going on buses with him - he's pretty good, but sometimes gets a bit restive.

We got to the bottom of the Royal Mile by bus, and then we walked round by the Scottish Parliament. They were hosing down the bollards. I do wish they'd keep the rest of the city as clean as they insist on for themselves.

Mrs Windsor wasn't in, and Archie wasn't interested in her Gallery, so we walked round the park. We didn't meet any dogs, and I was very glad he didn't notice the dog away across the (busy) road - those eyebrows are quite effective blinkers. He did spot a crow strutting around on the ground several hundred yards away, and took off barking at it, oblivious to the noise which is supposed to deter his barking. I blew the whistle, and he stopped in his tracks and came straight back.

He had plenty of mud to eat. Can't stop him, and really, this little habit could be a lot worse. But I did catch him lovingly rubbing his beard on a squished worm! Yuck.

My careful plan went wrong when I tried to get the bus home. ROAD CLOSED. Walked back along to next bus stop. BUS DIVERTED. Walked to next bus stop, getting a bit frantic by this time. NOT MY BUS STOP. I stood and gazed in the window of a little chocolatier and was sorely tempted to buy a little something to help me cope with my growing despair.

Decided to cut through and get a different bus. Got there. BUS STOP SUSPENDED. I was not happy. And very tired. Walked back the other way, miles, to the next stop, which was only four stops from home, and I really should have been able to make it. Had to wait ages, but at least I was sitting down.

So, in the three hours we were out, one third was the walk, one third was on buses, and one third was looking for buses!

On the bus home, a wee boy moved from where he was sitting to come and lean round and pat Archie... I panicked slightly... But no need - He was very calm, gentle and quiet.

And so was the wee boy!

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