
... than the average bear.

All quiet on the flat saga. I spoke to a residential property lawyer this morning. He's gone off to think about how best to proceed. He did say that sixteen different lawyers fees were likely to be costly. There must be a way to sort it out without excess cost. I'm not a fan of lining pockets no matter how much of an error in judgement has been made.

Equally I don't appreciate someone trying to make a mug of unsuspecting people. There appears to be a lot of that around these days.

Honesty is important to me. Regardless of topic or circumstance, you cannot do wrong by being honest. If you've made a mistake, then man up and admit you're in the wrong then make the best effort you can to mend it. It really is that simple for me. It's a shame its not that simple for everyone.

On a cheerier note, I wrote a whole pile of cheques from the charity today. That made me happy.

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