Lala's Journal

By Lala

I'm not moving!

A productive, if a little haphazard day. I entertained A visiting Education Manager from Waddeson Manor for most of the day. So interesting to learn how other places do things. Waddesdon has a far greater 'collection' than we do at LC but the poor EM is in charge of all education and events with just one assistant and a tiny budget. I felt very lucky to have the autonomy I do and an amazing team of 16 staff.

Having watched one of our sessions and swapped ideas and experiences over lunch I walked down to the castle with her. I left her to do a tour at her own pace and on the way back met this chap who was not going to move! Tourists were snapping their cameras, children were getting very close and pulling faces etc and he didn't budge!

His tenacity made it to my blip today.

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