Are you serious?
Art and Tilly had much fun in the garden this evening. Nowhere near as serious as he looks here. Tilly was also showing bravado once she had a gun full of water.
Today has been a joke as far as the house sale is concerned. It involves people thinking they can make an offer just under the asking price when they were advised by E.A. to offer the full figure and then getting rattled when we accept a full offer from someone else and then they offer 5k over the asking price and accuse the estate agent of starting a bidding war and putting us in an awkward position of wanting to honour the original 'winner' who's a cash buyer and not trusting the over-offerers to get a mortgage for the 5k over what a surveyor may think it's worth and... I'm just confused. An extra 5k that might not happen and a pissed off person who we already said could have the house. At least everyone seems to like our little home... I knew we had good taste... or bad valuation skills.
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