Proud Weegie

By Shiv

A stroll along the prom, prom, prom

A gorgeous Sunday, and no 3 has discovered her big sisters 'Heelys'.  Very popular with the big girls about 10 years ago (when they cost a ridiculous amount of birthday money!) these are shoes with build in wheels in the heels.

Local shopping centres hated them as little boys and girls would use the flat surface to whiz around.

We let No 3 loose with one Heely (hence the odd shoes in the blip!) and her scooter.  She had a great time on the promenade at Portobello (even when she fell in a puddle!).

Sorry I've not had time for blip lately. Busy at work, No 1 has Tonsilitis again, and No 2 is pushing all the wrong buttons these days.

It's exhausting being a parent.

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