A busy old day

Somehow our day started around 5:30 but everyone was in good moods so wasn't a problem. Hearing Munchie singing to herself over the monitor is definitely a lovely way to wake up.

Wom wants to be wherever Munchie is, hence them both being right next to the tv (they were removed after this picture was taken)

Nursery drop off completed
Day at work completed
Nursery pick up completed with added addition of four lots of dirty clothes. Two from Wom and two accidents from Munchie. Nursery think she was so utterly engrossed with being outside she was forgetting to go until it was just too late!

They had the fire engine at nursery today. Munchie informed me that the man had a hose, the hose was much bigger than daddy's!

Tired girl on the sofa,
Fire engine visit to nursery
Utterly exhausted, she was asleep before Wom.

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