Busy Bee

Okay...so I've just got home and it has been the longest day of the year so far. Why? I hear you say. Well, because there were just two of us in the teashop and it has been a glorious sunny day and the world and his wife decided to visit. We close at four, but didn't finish until half past five. I was shattered. I stopped off at Jude's on the way home and she asked if I wanted a glass of wine. Did I want a glass of wine? Oh yes!

Well, I haven't had the chance to eat anything all day and so whoosh...it has gone up to my head and mangled my brain. I had more than one large glass I have to say. I did bounce off cars on the way home. I like spell check though, it stops me looking a complete muppet.

I arrived home after a ziggy zaggy walk. I need a photo, I thought. I wanted to do the spray from a can but I only have one. I set up outside..I don't want to do it indoors do I!! This is it...

My neighbour came out and was laughing at me...why?? I don't know. 

Anyway I need to look through the cupboards and find some food. Then I shall go to bed. 

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