Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Bathing pools...

Some days go better than others....

Today started OK. I was ready to be out and about by about 7.30 so decided to go for a walk and shoot another abreuver. But when I got to the chosen one I was confronted by a snake; one of those really rare Guernsey Blue snakes; I didn't dare move it but I grabbed a quick photograph. There was a man with the snake and he apologised for messing up my photograph. He told me the abreuver had been refurbished and there was just one corner left to be pointed. So I shall return another day and get a photograph.

I popped into the bakery and bought a Guernsey gache (pronounced "gosh") for my lunch and headed home through the lanes. I met a friend who had been my dad's apprentice 65 or so years ago and we had a chat. Just before I got home the Fitbit buzzed the 6 miles completed signal.

When I looked at the pics I didn't really like any of them so thought I better go back to the bathing pools yet again and see what I could find. As I walked home again I realised that I had a blister on the sole of my foot. It had been hurting a bit on the way home on my original walk but my way of dealing with pain is to ignore it. But it might now mean that I can't go on long walks until the blister has healed....

When I looked at the bathing pool photographs I realised that there were spots on them; as there had been on yesterdays pics. I eventually decided that they must be on the sensor. I used the "clean sensor" a couple of times and couldn't see any spots on test shots. But I'm not confident that it cleaned itself that easily. So after uploading this I will go out again and take a few shots of the sky and see how they look. 

Then it will be time for the boys' ringing session.

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