Heading out of the gate

Quiet day at home as I was a bit poorly. I had Calpol and played at home instead of going to playgroup or sgoil-àraich and Baby didn't even go to nursery, although I would not have minded if he had, since he kept trying to steal the pieces of my puzzle, or the cards for my robot, or my egg at lunch, or whatever I had all day long. We also went through some boxes and found some more shoes and clothes for me and Baby.
At the end of the afternoon, Baby went on his first outing on foot. He tried to go right up the road but we were only nipping next door to see R and her spare sofa. Mummy had tea; I had juice, but I didn't like it. We took five trains with us, but it was more fun to jump on R's sofa (well, we had to test it out), play with the remote controls and give ourselves unguided tours of the flat. Luckily Daddy came home and rescued the dinner from burning while we were out.
We read Ten Little Pirates, a Winnie the Pooh book and the elephant book to go to sleep. I had had a nap (fell asleep during lunch despite sitting on a big chair) and I'm not sure if that was the reason, but I was really not tired and didn't feel like going to bed. Luckily, Mummy kept coming back every time I shouted for her. I even went on the potty (thus keeping my nappy dry), but I did not get any more stories.

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