Though I've Tried Before to Tell he...

My Mate has a bit of an Anchor fetish going on. 

For Christmas/ Birthday, I gave her Anchored embroidered Scarf, Anchor Pattered pocket mirror, Anchor "Hello Stamper, Anchor Wish Bracelet, and other anchory type things I thought she might like. 

She has been contemplating a gold plated anchor, but hasn't indulged yet. 

She does have anchor earrings from her Gran, Vivienne Westwood (selected by her Unc), 

I spotted a little shop in town were stocking a nice line in "Naughty Nicks".  Vest and Pant Sets with Anchors all over, as well as Anchor themed other clothing items.  As well as the "Beach" shop which stocks every possible item under the sun with Anchors on it.   I took a wee look in on Saturday, and they have some pretty cute Sailor themed items too.. but I can't justify buying a Sailor themed door hanger... no no i can't. 

And then I thought.  If we could work a way of moving this - she could have an anchor in her garden.   There wouldn't be anything else in the garden, but I'm sure she could accessorize it. 

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