Its thirsty work...
being a cow ! And she would rather drink the rain water from the puddle than go to the drinking bowl inside the shed !
A tad breezy today. Managed to get the roofs onto the outside lambing pens first thing ,before the wind picked. The forecast said it would get windy with rain reaching the East by 10am. Dead on 10am it started to chuck down. Cleared up fairly soon though. Had to take some old tractor tyres out and put on top of the tin roofs to stop the whole lot blowing away. Not pretty but should do the trick.
Charlie the painter back to paper the ceiling. Mrs Farmerboab not in good fettle ,as when she got home from work he was finished. Only problem is that he has used textured paper instead of plain. Cleared out while she was texting him to point out the error of his ways (Felt it was safer that way ! )
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