An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

MonoMonday – Entrances and Exits

Not the most interesting of subjects, but this is what I was doing all day, so I had no opportunity to find anything else. A window is a sort of entrance/exit (especially with no glass in...) and the old windows have exited and the new ones made an entrance... hmm, that might be stretching it a bit far!

The top shot is of my downstairs windows this time last year – completely rotten (you could poke your finger through the wood) and one broken from the mega hail storm on Christmas Day 2011 (I couldn't replace the glass, as there was no wood to attach it to!) Plus they were downright ugly. Last April, my Dad (him in the braces) made me one new window and we fitted it. Today was the turn of the other one. So we had to take out the old one and get the new one in all in one day (hoping it fitted – only a little bit of planing was required). It now has boards over the openings, until I can get a glazier to put the glass in.

The bottom photo is today. I think the new ones (my design) look much better!

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