George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry


I've just noticed that I look a tiny bit portly in this picture.  But I promise I'm not fat.  It's the fur that makes me look bigger than I really am.

Anyway, I digress.

I've just discovered leather.  Gosh, it smells good, and I really really want to chew it.

You see, Raj is allowed to jump on the settee when he's teasing me.  And I thought (well, as you do) that I could jump up too.

But no.  SHE let out a screech (yes she did, it was definitely a screech) "Gerroff there" she said.

But then, (and this is where I get confused) jump up here you little muppet, and I can take a picture.  Just sit for a bit.  So I sat, and then she made me get down again.

(This is a bit naughty, but leather feels every so nice against your bum).

Life is so hard sometimes.

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