Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Tits McGee and my homemade Snood...

A bracing walk down at Stratford upon Avon racecourse ... Me in my new snood which I actually finished when lying in bed this morning ... Now Lucy has given me hers to do as she's bored ... She's only done 10 bloody rows !!!
Every human needs one of my snoods ... I am not going to make them one though so they become wild with jealousy at my knitting ability ...
I've been a busy bee today so Mr W took us all out for our evening meal at my favourite place Wormwood scrubs ... NOT REALLY ,but I did just make myself laugh ... The Vintner in town ... Local blippers will know where I mean x

PS.. Wormwood scrubs is a male prison for you followers who are not up to speed with UK prisons x

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