Weeeeeeeeeeee bump

Thank goodness that Anna told me about the wonder weeks app, it's the only thing that keeps me sane at times. Wom is currently waking twice in the night, once around midnight then again around four. He's in the middle of a three week development leap, one whichstates sleep becomes unsettled, you're telling me. Add to that poor Munchie having a bad dream, last night wasn't the best.

To improve on yesterday's grim day, we went out for breakfast. Cheap and cheerful Toby carvery, but it was yummy, Woms ate load, Munchie enjoyed people watching and drinking my pint of OJ. Home.

Wom crashed so plans of all going to the farm were cancelled and Munchie and I went on our own whilst Wom slept and daddy gardened. Was a bit concerned to see one big pig missing and a piglet, even more so when I saw the sign saying new range sausages.


Munchie and daddy played in the garden, Woms and I had cuddles and played. I took on my nemesis of toad in the hole for tea, would have won had the hole not raised so much that it was burning on the top of the oven! Oh well, lee said it tasted ok if you ignored the burnt bits!

More playing, baths, beds, work done. Massive upload / download of photos to the hard drive as laptop playing up. Can't get it to open snapfish tonight so have given up and will try tomorrow.

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