Keswick again . . .

. . . and what a different day from yesterday. By the afternoon, it was warm and sunny. Even in the morning, whilst it was still cloudy and quite cold, you could see the hills and people were out and about by the lake, which is more than they were yesterday! I liked this morning scene down by the lake, with families venturing out when they had most likely been kept in yesterday. A dull photograph compared to some I took later in the day when the sun was on the fells, but more interesting I thought. And you still get Catbells in the background.

More Words by the Water: I was at a discussion about Writing in an Age of Change  - fascinating insights from a group of authors about the current writing and publishing context in which they work. Of course Melvyn Bragg is always worth listening to – the stuff he has in that head of his! And as for his hair! He was joined by Margaret Drabble, who was equally erudite, and a non-fiction writer I had not heard of called Cate Haste.
Later I went to listen to Margaret Drabble alone. What a packed audience there was for this and how well and interestingly she spoke about all sorts of things. I have been reading her novels since she first started writing them – a long, long time ago, and she is always worth listening to.
Later in the afternoon HighPike arrived back from a long run in the fells and he went to a talk called Wild Running – I didn’t join him but went for a walk by the lake! You may eventually get a great blip from him of the high fells and maybe find out about the talk. But I wouldn’t count on it!

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