What are Ewe looking at?

Sorry, I couldn't resist the title!

We've had a relaxing day - I took Bart out on his own this morning for a short walk, in light of his refusal to walk yesterday, and then we took our boys out for a proper walk at lunch time.  We'd arranged to go and look at some boarding kennels in the village, as when we go on holiday in May, we need to find somewhere for the boys to go.  

When we looked at where the kennels are, we realised that we could walk over the fields at the side of the house, so we combined the boys walk with our visit.  We walked 3 miles in total, had a look round the kennels, which seem ok and have booked the boys in for a night next weekend when we go to London, to see how they get on.

The sheep were on the Tye where they should be today, and we walked across our field, so the boys wouldn't bother them. There aren't any lambs yet, but hopefully it won't be too long before there are.   

This afternoon Bart went home, and we've finalised our trip to San Francisco, and have booked all the hotels now.  I can't wait, it's only 10 weeks away! 

Anyway, I'd better go and cook the dinner and  I'll hopefully see you next weekend, if not before - hope you have a good week!

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