and through the wire...

By hesscat

The Undiscovered Short Cut

I will leave yesterday's blip to explain the background to this blip. Moorflix was celebrating our first community made film "The Undiscovered"'s 5th Anniversary by showing both it and the second film "Short Cuts" tonight. The blip is from the end credits of SC with the teenage and younger front row already starting to dance.

The films are very different but I love each of them equally for different reasons. TUd began with a script from the outset and was very artistic through many scenes - the forest scene was mesmerising in real life - a bit more difficult to capture on camera. We had to learn how to do it as we went but planning was key to make things go smoothly. Our community took time to get on board before a buzz started, but the main cast were friends we knew would take it seriously and could have their arms twisted. It's only about 34 minutes and it flies by and I always start to get sad as the end scenes approach.

SC began off the back of TUd and people had seen what was possible. We started with a beginning, a big cloudy middle, and a rough ending but soon came up a wrapper that allowed us to make the big cloudy middle as big as we wanted. We had some fantastic fun making SC but it was a hectic schedule and often quite pressurised to achieve what we wanted. However what I think I am most of proud of is how we brought a rough idea of a plot together with 101 separate ideas and merged them (in some cases quite ingeniously but I don't say that out loud) then made it laugh out funny pretty much all the way through, still 3.5 years later.

Ok back-patting stopped, what both films showed was that we don't have to be skilled filmmakers, actors, scriptwriters and casting-directors to make 2 films that are still entertaining us several years on. We just needed some ideas, motivation, confidence, determination and a community willing to join in the fun!

We'll enjoy these memories for years to come and I hope this front row do something in life that is motivated by their involvement with these films.

Ok, that's all, got tomorrow's blip to think about :-)

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