A walk on the wild side
"Heathlands are one of the most ancient and characteristic British landscapes, originally created by prehistoric farmers. For over 200 generations rural communities have carefully managed this stunning open countryside resulting in a wonderful, wildlife rich, patchwork of mini-habitats. The few surviving heathlands are very special places providing a living link to our stone-age past...Chobham Common is recognised as one of the best British sites for insects and spiders. It is the premier site for ladybirds, bees and wasps. Some 29 species of butterfly live here, among them the rare silver-studded blue, and 22 types of dragonfly hover and dart above the heathland pools."
That was our walk today and lovely it was too - really sunny and beautiful.
The rest of the day was taken up with work (TSM) and cooking (me). Had Mr and Mrs Bear over for supper. Minor irritation of disappearing Dylan but after that we relaxed.
I love days like this.
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