Unusual things

Before I begin, I have to share the surreal conversation from our evening meal.

After his evening meal, James announced that he had to leave the room in order to "poke out a piece of beef from behind the wire"....

This resulted in bemused look and clarification request from me - James explained he had a bit of his meal stuck in the wire in his brace.

I actually thought it was some sort of euphemism for going to the toilet.

James tells me that I still have the mind of a 12 year old.

He is probably right.

Saturday was a day of unusual occurrences...

I was the first person officially up and ready to go today.

The shopping was delivered according to plan and a parcel was received ahead of scheduled time

James requested that we go out together for the afternoon!  He always wanted to borrow one of my cameras and begin to learn the dark art of photography.

The protein snack bars that I bulk purchased are actually delicious.  This is odd as usually things that are good for you are vile.

Cloud formations.

Efficiency in managing to throw a tomato, chicken and chilli concoction into the slow cooker in the 20 minutes between getting home and going back out to the gym.

I was the last person out of the gym!

The laundry has been done.

It's almost like a 10 years younger version of me has been in control today.... OH to be that young again!!!

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