
By HareBrain


Smile for the camera, pleeeze!
Not the sharpest of photos I know, but I loved the lambs' expressions, particularly little Yoda on the left!!  

Gorgeous weather today apart from a very keen Westerly wind (Mr T will be a big fan and has probably flown to Australia and back in his glider by now??!).  I had a quick stop off at The Farm for tea and cake where I saw the lambs  enjoying the sunshine and had a lovely chance meeting with a very old friend.  She had one of her granddaughters staying from Bath and after lunch we all enjoyed a walk round ‘Arthur’s’ Trail. Lots of lambs, pink piglets, poultry, rare breed cattle, birdsong and uprooted tree stumps full of insects, which granddaughter Rosie liked the best!!  Sadly no Otters or Kingfishers today.

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