Eat my dust

The Teen is in London (with the school) for the weekend (I warned you yesterday to keep clear.)

Little miss bossy had a shopping date with her bestie, so that left Logan, Mr K & I with an empty house and nothing urgent to do (well, he needed two hours with an excel spreadsheet...and Logan had to have a walk, blah blah blah)

What to do.........

Dog got walked, boring computer work got done (ish) and we went for a drive in the sun, stopped for lunch and then, later, the supermarket.

Late in the afternoon sun we dragged ourselves to friends for drinkies - it was all downhill literally from was a challenge...that we overcame...with the help of wine & Pimms*...I will leave your imagination, the coversational topics, just to say that 50 Shades of Grey was mentioned (briefly), Gone Girl - much more so and I discovered (to my shock and horror) that LMB doesn't (or didn't) know what 'the bumps' meant...

* it may or may not have been branded as such & I honestly cannot comment on its believability - I was stuck to the wine)

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